Can cow's milk protein allergy disappear with age?

Can cow's milk protein allergy disappear with age?

Cow'smilk protein all ergy is one of the most common types of allergies in children. It manifests itself through different types of body reactions to the consumption of cow's milk protein, which can be present in various products. Is there a chance that this allergy will disappear in adults as they get older? It is worth taking a closer look at this phenomenon.

What causes cow's milk protein allergy?

Cow's milk protein allergy is caused by the immune system's reaction to proteins present in cow's milk. This happens when the immune system mistakes these proteins for harmful substances and reacts to them in an allergic manner. Symptoms of cow's milk protein allergy can be varied and include difficulty breathing, hives, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

In children, the immune system is still immature and more prone to allergic reactions. This is why cow's milk protein allergy is common in the first years of life. However, can this allergy disappear in adults?

Can cow's milk protein allergy disappear with age?

In some cases, cow's milk protein allergy can disappear with age. Whether or not the allergy will persist in a person depends on a number of factors, including individual body characteristics.

Studies indicate that about 80% of children with cow's milk protein allergy at age 3 grow out of the allergy by age 16. Some studies suggest that the process of growing out of cow's milk protein allergy may be related to the development of the immune system and the body's ability to tolerate the protein.

However, it should not be forgotten that not all cases of cow's milk protein allergy disappear. There is a group of people whose allergy persists into adulthood as well. Therefore, it is important that each case of allergy be diagnosed and monitored by a doctor.

Diagnosis and management of cow's milk protein allergy

Diagnosis of cow's milk protein allergy is usually made by an allergologist based on medical history, skin tests and possibly blood tests. If the allergy is confirmed, it is important to avoid the consumption of cow's milk protein and products containing this protein.

For children who continue to have an allergy to cow's milk protein at a later age, it is usually recommended to strictly eliminate cow's milk protein from the diet and systematically monitor the body's reaction. Studies show that sensitivity to cow's milk protein often decreases with age, and some children may be able to tolerate small amounts of the protein without developing allergic symptoms.


Cow's milk protein allergy is common in children, but in most cases it disappears with age. This happens when the immune system undergoes development and the body becomes more resistant to cow's milk protein. However, the allergy will not disappear in all people, and for some it will remain throughout life. It is important that each case of allergy be diagnosed and monitored by a doctor, who will determine appropriate management and dietary recommendations. Avoidance of foods containing cow's milk protein is usually essential for those with a confirmed allergy.

Remember: The information in this article is for informational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you suspect you or your child has a cow's milk protein allergy, consult your doctor.


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