Importance of differential diagnosis when cow's milk protein allergy is suspected


Allergy to cow's milk protein (ABMK) is one of the most common allergic conditions affecting infants and young children. Allergic symptoms can be uncharacteristic and are often confused with other conditions. Therefore, it is important to perform a differential diagnosis to confirm or rule out ABMK and avoid unnecessary testing and treatment. In this article, we will discuss the importance of differential diagnosis when cow's milk protein allergy is suspected.

What is differential diagnosis?

Differential diagnosis involves identifying and distinguishing one condition from others that may have similar symptoms. If ABMK is suspected, there are many other conditions that can cause similar symptoms, such as lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, gastrointestinal infections, gastroesophageal reflux and other food allergies. Careful differential diagnosis will help identify the true cause of symptoms and implement appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of cow's milk protein allergy

Symptoms of ABMK can vary and occur both inside and outside the digestive system. The most common symptoms are:

Abdominal painDiarrhea<li<vomiting rash="" itching="" skin="" difficulty="" in="" breathing="" cough="" Similar symptoms can also occur with other conditions, so differential diagnosis is essential to make a correct diagnosis and plan appropriate treatment.

Methods of differential diagnosis

In order to determine whether the symptoms are the result of ABMK, the doctor can use various diagnostic methods. The most important of these are:

Medical history A thorough examination of the patient's history, including the types of foods eaten by the infant, reactions to the foods, the timing of symptoms and the presence of other allergies in the family.Allergy skin tests spot tests or sample tests can help identify cow's milk protein allergy. In case of inconclusive results, laboratory tests such as determination of IgE antibody levels in the blood can also be performed.Elimination and provocation method involves eliminating cow's milk protein from the patient's diet and observing the reaction. If symptoms improve after elimination and reintroduction of cow's milk protein into the diet, the diagnosis of ABMK is confirmed.

Importance of differential diagnosis

Identifying the true cause of symptoms is crucial for proper treatment and preventing unnecessary complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Without accurate differential diagnosis, the patient may be at risk of inappropriate treatment that will not have the desired effect and can be burdensome for both the patient and family.


Differential diagnosis in cases of suspected cow's milk protein allergy is crucial for making the right diagnosis and initiating appropriate treatment. With proper diagnosis, it is possible to distinguish ABMK symptoms from other conditions with similar symptoms. Diagnostic methods, such as medical history, allergy tests and elimination and provocation, make it possible to achieve an accurate diagnosis. Remember that only correct diagnosis will allow proper management of cow's milk protein allergy and improve the patient's quality of life.



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